Solana Beach Plans

In Summer 2015 the City of Solana Beach completed its Comprehensive Active Transportation Strategy (CATS) Report. This extensive report, funded by a SANDAG grant, using consultants Chen-Ryan Associates discusses the current state of Active Transportation facilities in Solana Beach. Through analysis and community workshops, with final adoption by the City Council, this report provides a roadmap for the future of Solana Beach’s circulation element. It’s primary product is a list of areas of the City to be addressed for future improvement, specifically in a high-level view of 20 suggested projects in Chapter 9, Table 8-2 (pg 91) in particular.

2015 CATS Final Report

Prior to the CATS Report,Solana Beach created a bicycle plan in 1993, updated in 1996 and 2005. 

Original 1993 Bikeway Master Plan

1996 Bikeway Master Plan – Addendum #1

2005 Bicycle Transportation Plan – Addendum #2