Send In Your Support for Lomas Santa Fe Improvements
The Lomas Santa Fe Corridor Improvement Project had its Phase III Workshop on May 29 – click here to see the exhibits presented. It is important to provide your comments to the City of Solana Beach in support of the improvements – send to City Engineer Dan Goldberg at [email protected]. What do you like / don’t like about the proposed improvements? Include your preferred option for the West side section (3 options were presented). The information below represents BikeWalkSolana’s group recommendation to our City Council and Staff. You may use it to help guide your letter of support.
BikeWalkSolana supports all the objectives of the Lomas Santa Fe (LSF) Corridor Improvement Project to create an attractive transportation environment for our major east-west arterial through Solana Beach:
- Improve safety for motorists, cyclists, pedestrians while maintaining vehicle travel efficiency
- Provide a pleasant environment for travel throughout the city for all road users
- Provide a safe route for children to walk or ride bikes and scooters to school
- Improve the environment and residents’ health and quality of life by making active transportation a more viable option to:
- Get more people to walk and ride bikes for short local trips, including to the beach, stores, schools, parks, sporting events, and the library.
- Enjoy walking, riding, and driving the roads of our beautiful seaside community
- Narrow the travel lanes to reduce speed while maintaining overall travel times.
- Widen the bike lanes and add buffers, utilizing green paint to guide through conflict areas.
- Improve pedestrian crosswalks and use lead pedestrian signal phasing to improve safety.
- Add the eastern section Multi-Use Class I path presented in Phase II.
- Add western section Multi-Use Class I path proposed on May 29.
- Add the pocket park on southwest corner of LSF / Stevens.
- Add landscaping and furnishings throughout the LSF corridor to beautify.